Dale A. Baker, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist - La Jolla
California Psychology License # PSY 9693

Direct line: 858-454-9752 ... Email: drdale@lajollapsychologist.com
7752 Fay Avenue, Suite B, La Jolla, California 92037
Couples - Individuals -  Families
Rate Your Relationship

Thinking of your spouse, significant other or family member:

1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Always

___ 1. We turn to each other first in times of trouble.

___ 2. We both tend to look at the humorous side of life.

___ 3. We feel we are each other’s positive destiny.

___ 4. We pull equal weight in our relationship.

___ 5. We encourage each other to take chances.

___ 6. We make each other feel good when together.

___ 7. We agree on the priorities in our relationship.

___ 8. We do thoughtful things for each other.

___ 9. We like to spend a lot of alone with each other.

___ 10. We say nice things about each other to others.

___ Total Score

If you scored:

  26-30: You’re doing great in your relationship.

  21-25: You’re relationship needs some work.

  10-20: You should consider therapy!